

We host events for our members to connect and share experiences as well as introduction events for anyone interested in shared leadership across the country.

It’s so important to use that our network is more than a distribution list- we are a community of educators who thrive off discussion with like-minded individuals.

In 2019, we hosted our first pilot conference to launch our unique shared leadership matching tool and to allow our membership to meet our founders, meet the community of members and exisiting co-heads as well as learn about the logistics behind shared leadership.

“When Amy invited me to participate in the SHN’s pilot scheme, I jumped at the chance. Even though I was incredibly nervous as I wasn’t in a senior position, I felt so at home with the group on the networking days. The women there were absolute powerhouses. I left feeling inspired and motivated. Those days afforded me the chance to reflect on what I wanted from my career and revitalised me to a point where I was able to reapply (successfully this time) for flexible working.”

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